Laptop music

The aim of these pages is to provide a resource for eletronic musicians interested in the laptop music scene.


There is a nice article in Wired "Songs in the Key of F12" that is quite a good introduction to the laptop scene.
Article on mash-ups in the NYT, see boomselection for a historical perspective.
A real audio report on laptop music broadcasted by National Public Radio.


Wave editors and wave editors/sequencer combinations

Acid and Sound Forge from sonicfoundry

All in one software synthesizer and sequencer packages

ReBirth Roland 303 and 909 software clone.

software synthesizers

Max for Mac's only or the free version Pd
Reaktor from Native Instruments

Audio Sequencers for playing live

Alberton's Live


IXI music software
Pd a free software package similar to Max.
Buzz at Buzzmachines.
Audiomulch interactive music studio.

Music Tutorials

intermusic, publishers of Future Music amoungst others, list of tutorials.
Computer Music tutorials (also published by InterMusic).

Electronic Forum's

Electronic Music 411

Last edited: October 22, 2002 4:33 PM