Send an electronic postcard

Bioinformatics and
Mass Spectrometry

PC Modifications and
other hardware hacks

Assorted non-scientific software

Laptop music


About this site



About LostCulture

Here is a list of software packages used in the generation of this site with links to their websites and resource sites that I have found useful.


UltraDev Dreamweaver

I'm currently using Dreamweaver from Macromedia quite extensively. From site management to template design and html editing.


Perl is used for all the dynamically generated content.


Pictures have been manipulated with Adobe Photoshop.


Not yet used but I hope to do some of the graphics with Adobe Illustrator.

Postcard Script

I tried a couple of postcard scripts but I'm currently using Jason's Postcards Perl script as it was the easiest to setup and use. Yeah I could write my own but if its already done then why not use it.


A Perl script that runs the front page of the site along with the Feed section.


A Perl script that processes RSS feeds and formats them in to files suitable for miniBlog or Bloxsom


A Perl library that's very useful for procession biological data. Mainly used for genomic projects but I'm starting to use it for proteomic analysis.


Contact me at

Last updated May 8, 2003 4:33 PM